Led by certified yoga teacher (RYT-200) Jessica Mitchell, this mat-based workout is an athletically powered, dynamic movement flow, challenging all levels, set to your favorite Christian contemporary, Christian Hip Hop and Gospel music. Each experience incorporates prayer, meditation, and corporate belonging within the Kingdom of God. You don't have to believe in Christ to join us on your mat. Love and respect will be extended to you regardless of your belief system (but if you are curious, I welcome you to ask questions). Since most classes are in unconventional spaces, come prepared to sweat as you stretch and power your way through a series of postures to lengthen, strengthen and tone muscles. I invite you to have fun, show up as you are, bring a friend, build community, and flow as you know!
It’s okay to meditate, but let’s meditate on
the Word of God
I’m not here to tell you what to believe or what not to believe; that’s not my style. But I am here to extend the love of God's Kingdom to my community and center God in everything I do. I acknowledge that we’re challenging cultural norms within the industry by intentionally inviting God into our presence, but that’s the point. Our flow experiences are crafted to be accessible to everyone despite color, shape, abilities, size, socioeconomic status, and age.
“For in Him we live and move and
have our being...” Act 17:28 NIV
To move in Him is to move with Him. This beautiful imagery or rhythm acknowledges that
God’s Spirit is in us.
God & Flow is for the believer of Christ, the non-believer, and the curious. We believe in making our flow experiences accessible and inclusive for everybody. Christ is a transformer of culture. Christ did not try to create something new, but called humanity back to the original culture of God, and ultimately transformed culture from the inside. It is not my intention to appropriate a space, but instead to make it more inclusive, and prayerfully, the transformation will take place within the hearts and lives of others; but never by force.

Pray for You

I am not a sage on the stage or holier than thou...
I want people to come to my class feeling welcome, and leave finding peace, acceptance, and inspiration-and return again because they felt an authentic sense of community and love! The goal of these experiences is to make this practice, stretching, and dynamic movement accessible and inclusive to everyone. If you are a believer, you get to spend intentional time with your breath, body, and mind that grounds you in the presence of God. And if you are a nonbeliever, you get to experience all of that plus the love of God's Kingdom as you flow through a series of sequences, and if curious, ask hard questions in a “grace space”*.
*I prefer “grace space” versus “safe space” because safety is subjective to your life experiences. I never want to project what is or should be safe for one person based on my lived experiences. When asking about God or talking about God, fear may arise, we might stumble, make mistakes, fall short of perfection, etc. and that’s okay. My promise is that I will always extend grace to you and I ask for the same grace as I do my best to extend my faith to you. We’re in this together.